This notice discloses privacy practices for EUZKOLA S.A. de C.V, at FRESNO 1136, COLONIA MORELOS, 44910, Jalisco, México; with its responsibility for collecting your personal data, uses to which it will be put and precautions taken for your protection.
Your personal data will be used for the following purposes: BILLING and CONTROLLING CLIENT AND SUPPLIER ACCESS.
For purposes of the present notice we may collect your personal data in various ways: Electronically (Web, e-mail, Chat, online surveys, etc.); Telephonically; or in person (face to face with the data owner (at expositions, courses, etc.)
For the above mentioned purposes, we must obtain the following personal data: Name, Father’s Last Name, Mother’s Last Name, Telephone, e-mail, RFC (tax registry #).
We never collect sensitive data.
You have the right to access, correct or remove your personal data, to deny certain uses of it or to revoke your consent; In which case you shall have provided said information via the procedures we have in place. To see these procedures, requirements and terms, you may contact our personal data department at FRESNO 1136, COLONIA MORELOS 44910 Jalisco México, By telephone at 3812-1203, by e-mail at, Or you may visit our web page at
Use of Cookies and Web Beacons
In order to improve the user experience on our website, EUZKOLA S.A. de C.V may use "cookies". For purposes of the present privacy notice "cookies" are identified as text data files stored on a site visitor's hard drive to preserve certain registration information and user preferences.
The website may allow publicity or other functions sent by third party "cookies" to users’ computers. The use of these "cookies" never personally identifies the user, just the computer. "Web beacons" are images placed on an internet page or in an e-mail, which may be used to monitor visitor behavior, or to store such information as user IP address, length of interaction time with the Site and type of web navigator used, among others.
Users may change their options via their computer or navigator by disabling the acceptance of "cookies" and/or "Web beacons", or determining which are accepted or not.
We assure you that we transfer no data to third parties. If you wish to stop receiving our promotional messages, you may advise us by telephone at 3812-1203, by e-mail at avisodeprivacidad@å, or at the following address: FRESNO 1136, COLONIA MORELOS 44910 Jalisco México.
Modifications to privacy notice
We reserve the right to modify or update the present privacy notice at any time, thereby addressing legislative or judicial compliance, internal policies, market practices, or new sales or distribution requirements for our services or products. These modifications will be available on our above mentioned internet page, at our offices; or may be sent by request to an e-mail address you provide us.
Right to initiate processes for protection of rights and verification by the Federal Institute If you consider your rights to have been infringed by the conduct of one of our employees, or our actions or responses, or that your personal data has been violated in some unforeseen manner; according to the Federal Law Protecting Personal Data in the Possession of Third Parties you may submit the relevant complaint or allegation to the IFAI (Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información, or Federal Institute for Access to Information.) For further information visit their site at
Any modification to this privacy notice may be consulted at Jalisco, México Last update Mar 21, 2013 4:23:12 PM